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Shouguang Shanhe Greenhouse

Engineering Co.Ltd

Shouguang shanhe greenhouse engineering co., LTD. Is located in shouguang, shandong province, "the hometown of Chinese vegetables". I center, which is based on our technical advantage of greenhouses, the main contract to build various types of intelligent greenhouse, solar greenhouse, arch greenhouse, etc., and engaged in vegetables park site selection, overall planning, design and construction...



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Adopt international leading technology to build high-quality greenhouse project meticulously

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     我们都知道种植草莓要提高果实座果率,降低畸形果比率,提高收益,授粉是关键。若雌蕊授粉不充分,则会形成畸果,影响品质和产量。在这个时候就很伤脑筋了,为了保证草莓授粉的质量,我们该选用那种授粉方式呢?    首先,让我们一起来认识草莓花。草莓的花很特别,看起来是一朵,实际上有100多个花序,换言之,需要这100多个花序同时授粉才能保证果实饱满圆润,形状周正。在实际种植过程中,雌蕊发育的成熟度是决定草莓花座果情况的关键之一。    目前,在大棚草莓上应用比较广泛的授粉方法有人工授粉和蜜蜂授粉。    人工授粉的主要弊端是人力成本高和授粉效率低。草莓花期时间长,从11月左右到次年4月,期间需要不断授粉,工作强度非常大,且授粉效果极大地依赖工人的熟练度,很难保证授粉效果。此外,工人携带的病毒容易感染草莓,造成减产。    蜜蜂授粉极大地改善了人工授粉的弊端,一方面可以节省大量劳动力,降低成本;另一方面可以降低病虫害的发病率,提高座果率,降低畸形果。但蜜蜂授粉仍有其局限性,主要体现在对环境要求很高,棚内温度要在15-28度,并且在阳光适宜的条件下,才会出巢授粉。若遇到连续阴天、连续雾霾、连续低温的天气,蜜蜂授粉的效果并不理想。     为此我们请来了温顺、采集能力强、授粉效果好的熊蜂。熊蜂是目前对温室果类蔬菜授粉效果好,应用广泛的传粉昆虫。特别是低温弱光高湿环境的适应能力明显优于蜜蜂。     首先, 熊蜂授粉通过振翅花粉雾化,产生静电将花粉吸引过去,1次便可以完成一朵花授粉。大大提高了授粉的效率和质量,同时草莓畸形果也得到了改善,减少畸形果率。     其次,熊蜂趋光性差,信息交流系统不发达,只采粉,不采蜜,能专心为某一种作物授粉。     第三,熊蜂对温度的耐受性高,在8-32度的环境中均能有效授粉,低温弱光环境的适应能力明显优于蜜蜂,在蜜蜂不出巢的阴冷天气,熊蜂可以继续在田间工作。     总之,熊蜂的到来不仅解决了我们究竟该用那种授粉方式的烦恼,还让我们品尝果实的时候更加安心和放心。    
What does the method that alleviates vegetable greenhouse fog have?
What does the method that alleviates vegetable greenhouse fog have?
    The process of growing vegetables is very hard, but vegetable farmers provide a variety of options for people to eat delicious vegetables, so we also want to commemorate their hard work. So when growing vegetables in greenhouses, how do farmers deal with the Fog? Let's take a look at it together.      In fact, ah, vegetables need to pay attention to the process of growing a lot of things, but also can not forget to deal with the fog. Usually, one way to do this is to ventilate. Ventilation is essential for the growth of crops, if there is no proper ventilation, then there will be a lot of problems, crop growth will be affected. Fog can bring negative effect to the crops receiving sunlight, which is not good for their growth.     Of course, proper irrigation is also essential. So that the growth of vegetables will have the right moisture, growth will be better. In addition, the planting process can also be through the use of fans and other equipment to help improve the fog, to help the normal growth of vegetables.    Therefore, you can refer to the above ways to deal with fog when growing vegetables greenhouses.
Shouguang Shanhe Greenhouse Project has entered the Southeast Asian market with the corresponding national one belt and one road
Shouguang Shanhe Greenhouse Project has entered the Southeast Asian market with the corresponding national one belt and one road
The Shouguang Shanhe Greenhouse Project responds to the National Belt and Road, along the Silk Road into Southeast Asia, and explores Middle Eastern countries to spread Shouguang vegetable facilities to the world.
Technical requirements and methods for the construction of vegetable greenhouses
Technical requirements and methods for the construction of vegetable greenhouses
Facility agriculture has large output and good efficiency. It is a major direction for the development of modern agriculture. At the same time, it has high technology content, high technical requirements and more investment funds. Therefore, the risks and difficulties for the general farmers who want to participate are very high. Big. Therefore, experts from the engineering department of Shouguang Sheng

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Shouguang Shanhe Greenhouse Engineering Co., Ltd    鲁ICP备19002680号-1                                                                                                         Powered by : www.300.cn